Content Writer-Exp 0-3 yrs

Posted 246 weeks ago

Looking for Content Writer with 0-3 Yrs of experience preferably with IT, HR/ Payroll Software.

Job Description

  1. The applicant will be working closely with the marketing strategists, developers, and designers, to create compelling and visionary content.
  2.  Responsible for brainstorming, creating, and transforming ideas into words for articles, advertisements, thought leadership, blogs & posts.
  3. Write creative, unique, and relevant online content for Articles, Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
  4. Mandatory understanding of Human Resource Management Software
  5. Have flair to understand the contents or products or process of a company, and present a lucid content of the same.
  6. Obtain an in-depth understanding of the HRM Softwares and the documentation requirements
  7. Create tutorials to help end-users use a variety of applications
  8. Write easy-to-understand user interface text, online help, and developer guide


Candidate Profile

  1. Show creativity and out of the box thinking in order to provide attractive communication and ease understanding of marketing materials
  2. Creative thinker with the ability to transform technical and digital information and processes into compelling stories.
  3. Strong written and verbal communications skills.
  4. Excellent analytical, quantitative, and problem-solving skills
  5. Fluency in Microsoft Office Programs (Word, PowerPoint)
  6. Self-starter & extremely proactive.
  7. PGDM / MBA /BA/MA-English Honours

Job Summary

Fresher Experience
